Ashley Brown
I graduated from UMass Lowell and received a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Graphic Design. Throughout my college career I balanced working full time caring for adults with developmental disabilities and commuting to college full time. After graduation I was excited and ready to move in a new direction. Art has always been my passion and I could not wait to begin my career in the creative and stimulating field of design. I got my first taste as the graphic design intern for the Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race which was a wonderful learning experience. Since then I have worked for UMass Amherst's Isenberg School of Management as their production designer. I currently work for RMS International doing packaging design for toys, games and crafts. Getting real world experience, knowledge and hands on skills working with my team at RMS has been incredible and so much fun. The team I work with is full of the nicest, most talented people who continue to push me as a designer.